Why I Use A Project Management Tool With My Design Clients

2 min readDec 26, 2022
Why I Use A Project Management Tool With My Design Clients

As a graphic designer, I have found that using a project management tool is essential for effectively collaborating with my clients. There are several reasons why I choose to use a project management tool, and I believe that it is especially important for design projects.

First and foremost, a project management tool helps to keep all project-related communication and tasks organized in one central location. This makes it easy for both myself and my clients to access and review project updates, feedback, and any changes that need to be made. Without a project management tool, it can be easy for important information to get lost in the shuffle, which can lead to delays and misunderstandings.

Another reason why I use a project management tool is because it allows me to break down larger projects into smaller tasks. This helps to keep the project moving forward and ensures that no important details are overlooked. I can also assign tasks to myself or to my clients, and set deadlines to help stay on track.

One project management tool that I particularly enjoy using with my design clients is Snapied. Snapied is a cloud-based platform that allows me to easily share design files with my clients, as well as collaborate on feedback and changes in real-time. It also has a built-in chat feature, which allows for easy communication without the need for email.

Overall, using a project management tool like Snapied helps to streamline the design process and ensures that projects are completed efficiently and effectively. It is a valuable tool that I highly recommend for any graphic designer working with clients. By using a project management tool, you can improve communication, stay organized, and ultimately provide a better experience for your clients.




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